Do Medications Lower Blood Pressure?

Hypertension can lead to heart attack, heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease. Treating high blood pressure in the earlier stages is essential in preventing these severe health issues. Dozens of medications can help treat high blood pressure. As per the experts, hypertension drugs can help to lower blood pressure by up to 10 points. These…

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premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Premature Ejaculation(शीघ्रपतन) is a common sexual issue that happens when a man is more likely to ejaculate during sexual interactions earlier than his partner would prefer. It is due to hormonal fluctuations, inflammations, and penile sensitivity. It affects everything from your confidence in your sexuality to your relationships. The article will help you to know…

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benefits of avocado

10 Surprisingly Unknown Health Benefits of Avocado and Its Uses

Avocados are a fruit that is sometimes overlooked.  It’s generally acknowledged of as a high-fat, high-calorie food. However, the benefits of avocado are countless. The avocado is a healthy source of monounsaturated fat that can help lower the cholesterol in your body. It is also a great source of fiber, vitamin E, vitamin C, and potassium. Additionally, the avocado has anti-inflammatory properties…

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