Premature Ejaculation: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation(शीघ्रपतन) is a common sexual issue that happens when a man is more likely to ejaculate during sexual interactions earlier than his partner would prefer. It is due to hormonal fluctuations, inflammations, and penile sensitivity. It affects everything from your confidence in your sexuality to your relationships. The article will help you to know the causes of Premature Ejaculation, symptoms, treatment, and exercises.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Stress- It can be caused by personal life and work. The conflicts in the relationships can cause anxiety and Premature Ejaculation.

Anxiety or Performance Anxiety- It can occur when you’re having an affair with a new partner. Impressing the partner by performing longer can lead to premature Ejaculation. Many of them suffer from this issue, and If you had no significant sexual experiences in the past, this could also cause anxiety when doing sexual activity.

Guilt – Feeling of guilt regarding sex and Ejaculation based on events that occurred in the past.

Depression – A person who is in depression for various reasons can become reasons for premature ejaculation, which can cause depression.

Health Issues- Problems in your body such as heart disease or high blood pressure can disrupt the flowing of blood through your body and cause Premature Ejaculation.

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Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

  1. The inability of Ejaculation to delay, whether during intercourse or masturbation, can be due to physiological issues.
  2. In most cases, the Ejaculation is for a few minutes after penetration but not without climax.
  3. The fear of sexual intimacy can be caused by fear of not performing because of a quick Ejaculation.

treatment of Premature ejaculation

Treatment of Premature Ejaculation

There are many treatment procedures that can be used as a solution for PE so let’s have a look at various premature ejaculation treatment procedures.

Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy is a method to deal with the emotions that could result in problems with sexual relationships. This kind of therapy aims to understand the root of the problem and discover solutions to help to improve the quality of Premature Ejaculation. Additionally, it can help couples to develop closer relationships. Psychological therapy can make you less anxious about performing sexually. It can also help you gain more sexual confidence and understanding to ensure your partner’s satisfaction. This type of therapy may be used solely or combined with behavioral or medical therapy.

Behavioral strategies

Some methods can help in removing the habit of excessive Ejaculation. Sexual therapists can advise the best practices to do this, including the “stop-start” mode and the “squeeze” method.


Condoms also reduce penis sensations, which can be beneficial for delaying the process of Ejaculation.

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Some medications may cause an orgasm to be less painful, including antidepressants, phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, and analgesics. These are prescribed by a doctor and are combined with other medicines or alone. You can take medication every day or on-demand.


There are sex therapists and other specialists, such as psychologists, who can help with treatment of Premature Ejaculation and other sexual issues. Counseling may help identify the problems with your sexual, mental, or relationship issues. It can also help with other issues associated with premature Ejaculation(शीघ्रपतन), like anxiety.

Apart from regular treatment many home remedies and exercises helps you recovering from PE

Exercises for Premature Ejaculation

Deep breathing

Meditation helps reduce tension and keep the awakening of the early Ejaculation under control. The breathing becomes slow. It may increase the heartbeat and cause Ejaculation. Also, a deep breath is recommended, and you should keep your breath in for 5 seconds between each inhalation and exhalation. You can also try asanas like Chaturanga Dandasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, as well as Vrikshasana to build strength and control over your Ejaculation.

Kegel Exercises

Some of Kegel Exercises that will help you are:

Floor Lying on Your Back Squeezes

Start by lying on your back, hands lying flat on the floor, and bend your knees straight and pointed upwards. Try to draw your penis toward your body and hold it for five minutes before release. Now, squeeze your anus muscles if you are trying to stop your bowel movements, hold it for five seconds, and then release it. Repeat steps two and three, eight to ten times, then do 3 to 5 sets.

Floor Lying on Your Side Squeezes

Place your feet on the floor, and then lay on your back. Now place a pillow on your knees. Make sure that the buffer is big enough to allow you to spread your legs. Press your legs together, hold them for five seconds, then release. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 8 to 10 times and then perform 3 to five sets.

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In this article, you have learned about the causes of premature Ejaculation, treatments, and exercises. The exercises will help you build strength and help you control Ejaculation. You can also consider some home remedies for premature ejaculation.

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