Real-time Identity Verification with Online Face Scanning

Mastering security is not perfectly possible for every online system, people are always vulnerable when they interact with any digital platform because no system can achieve one hundred percent correctness and reliability. To use the advantage of this loophole across most systems, the attackers have created new ways to give digital damage to the users of the systems online. Yes, tackling this situation is a major concern for most authorities to prevent data loss and theft of information and identity within their systems.

Online Face verification is a very powerful technique by which attackers are blocked from gaining access to the system. The face verification policy is followed by most sectors as a part of the identity verification system to fully assure the identity of the client and other businesses online.

Methods of Online Face-Scanning

Face verification technology was introduced in the mid-1900s by Helen Chan Wolf, Woody Bledsoe, and Charles Bisson. They programmed computer systems to detect human faces. In the 1990s facial recognition systems were used to process faces by using photographic portraits of the users. 

Technology more than 50 years old has developed to be utilized by most online verification systems. There are several new techniques implemented into the face verification system to correctly detect and process multiple faces in a fast-paced environment. Some of those new technologies are listed below.


Fairly old technology by which systems are able to verify the user's face by detecting the features of the face. In this approach, the computer algorithm processes the user's facial data by locating its position, color, and other visible landmarks i.e cheekbones and jaws. This traditional approach is not fully efficient as many faces were difficult to process and distinguish from other scanned sets of data in the system’s database.


This technique was not properly adapted by most online verification systems as it uses thermal devices like thermal cameras to capture human faces. This technique is not accurate as it processes the images based on thermal characteristics which may differ with time. The system is being used for other means.

2D Technology

This technology is being used in most entry-level face recognition systems. The smartphone industry started implementing this technique into their face recognition systems. In the two-dimensional (2D) method, a flat digital image of the face is created which maps out different points on the face such as the eyeballs, cheeks, nose, and lips of the user. After mapping, it converts the digital position of each node into a numerical value which is stored in the database of the system.

3D Technology

This method is considered to be the most efficient way of detecting faces online. It is used by major smartphone brands, and other legal authorities such as security agencies to verify the user online. In this technology, the human face is scanned by a 3D scanner which creates a complete three-dimensional model of the face by identifying the complete facial geometry and depth. This technology is not affected by light and angle and provides the most accurate results when compared to other techniques. The face processing Apple does in their iPhones is based on the same 3D technology!

Liveness Detection

Another new technique most online systems are using as a multi-layer of security is liveness detection. This method is followed in most Identity verification processes. The system processes the liveness of the user by detecting the real-time movements such as eye-blinks and face rotation of the user to verify the credibility of the client.

Uses of Online Face Recognition

As discussed briefly, the online face recognition system is being deployed at almost every organization and office. The purpose of face identification is to verify the user's identity before any online activity. It is a major system for most industries, especially the cybersecurity network.

The Facial recognition system performs very efficiently in the identity verification processes, It is utilized in many KYC checks to prevent online scamming and money laundering through digital means of earning. The banking sector is also a consumer of facial identification to manage user identity before any financial transaction associated with the client. Other users of Facial recognition are social networking sites that also use the system for face verification online.

Wrapping it Up

The new digital world brings new measures of security for organizations to verify their users and clients in a biometric way. With this measure, the potential of the industry increases, and the protection level is assured by using new methods of biometric verification such as online face verification.

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