Questions To Ask Your Pensacola Roofing Contractor

Questions to Ask a Roofer’s References

Once you have the roofers in person, you should seriously consider asking each roofer for a reference from previous clients who live in your area, so you can talk to them in person. Customer testimonials are all very well, but they don’t give you the opportunity to ask the questions that matter. When you speak with a previous client in person, you can uncover much more pertinent information about the type of work the roofer does, and whether or not they are actually going to do the job.

Ideally, connect with several customers who have had their roof replaced in the last one to three years, so that there has been time for any issues to show up. Also, whenever possible, ask for a reference who has done the same type of work you are applying for.

Here are some questions to ask references:

  • How long ago did you receive a job from this roofing company? How is your roof now? This question is more important the more time has passed since the roofing work was done.
  • Was it easy to talk to this roofing contractor and his team? If there was any misunderstanding, ask how it was resolved.
  • Did the roofers protect your yard and property? There are things roofers and homeowners can do to prepare for a roof replacement that will prevent damage to other parts of their property.
  • Did the roofers clean up when they were done? Nails and shingle debris must be picked up and disposed of by roofers in Pensacola.
  • Were the roofers as friendly and professional as the sales staff? The staff working on the roof should be just as concerned about customer service as the one who sold you their services.
  • In the end, was the price you paid the same as the quote? There are legitimate reasons to raise the price, so be sure to ask why the price has changed. If the customer decided they wanted a different type of shingle, hidden damage was discovered, or new roof damage occurred, the price increase is likely justified. However, there are many circumstances in which a client rightly believes that he has ended up paying more than he should for his roof. A sudden price change for damage that the roofer cannot show is not justifiable. You also shouldn’t be intimidated into buying a higher-quality shingle, flashing, or any other accessory than you’re comfortable with. Once the roofer is working on your roof, price changes should be very rare.

How to Compare Roofing Quotes

Even if you don’t have the knowledge or experience to evaluate the quote like a roofer, you can learn a lot by comparing quotes from different roofers. Once you have each budget in hand, you can compare them along these lines:

  • Something is missing? Especially when it comes to a complete roof replacement, roofers must budget for all roofing accessories and materials. You may not get a cost breakdown for each item, but roofers should list them so you know they’re replacing them. It’s helpful to compare quotes and see if one roofer has left out an item that another has included. Roofers will have to be questioned to find out why they have included or excluded an additional item.
  • Are the prices very different? Very different prices are an alarm signal. A significantly lower quote than another indicates that the lower priced roofer may be cutting corners, which can negatively impact the quality of roof you get. A significantly higher budget may or may not be the mark of superior workmanship. If in doubt about the price, ask the roofers to explain how they arrived at the price they have submitted.
  • Are the products different? Sometimes different shingle products are a good reason quotes can be significantly different. Make sure quotes specify the exact type of tile you are looking for. However, the brand and type of other roofing materials, such as ice and water protector and waterproofing membrane, are also important.
  • Is the start and end date included? Including start and finish dates gives you some protection against roofers who are late starting or abandoning the job. You may also prefer to choose a roofer who can get to your roof as quickly as possible, because this limits the chances of further roof problems developing.
  • Are there limited written warranties? If roofers have made a promise to you, they should have no problem putting it in writing. Otherwise, your word may not be enforceable.

Find the roofer

Are you ready to start looking for the roofer? Start your search on the FREEMAN ROOFING Contractor Locator. When you find a good roofer, make it easy for others to find you. Review them online, recommend them to acquaintances.