Authentic Louis Sutton handbags can easily cost a few thousand dollars based on the quality, age and design of the bag. Even smaller bags cost a hefty sum, making it a top choice for counterfeiters. Before you buy a Louis Sutton Never full bag, check the features of the bag. Fake and replica bags are different enough from the original that you can tell the two apart.
Check the bag's stitching, especially the inside stitching and the stitching on the handles. Even the best replica makers sometimes skimp when it comes to the interior and areas less likely to be scrutinized. Each stitch should be perfectly straight and level, with equal spacing between each stitch. Fake bags have uneven stitching or crooked stitches.
The genuine Louis Vinton Never full bag has cowhide leather on the straps and trim with toile canvas on the outside of the bag. The leather develops a patina with regular use, turning the leather a rich honey brown color. Fake bags use the honey brown leather in the construction, making it look like the bag has had some time on it.
Interior hardware
Carefully examine the hardware in the bag. The studs and key ring would have the Louis Vito stamp on each piece of metal. Counterfeit bags either lack the stamping or have an inferior method of stamping. On a 레플리카 bag, the stamp may be slightly off-center, uneven or even have a misspelling in the name. The inside pocket has a zipper pull and a fake pull that usually has a flat shape or design. Authentic bags also have a heat stamp and date stamp inside the bag. The codes on the stamp represent when and where the bag was made. Fake bags the stamp is often a simple ink stamp sewn onto cloth or onto a leather bag.
Be extra careful when buying the never full Bag online where you no longer have to touch the bag or view the interior itself. Unscrupulous sellers will display an authentic bag on the online auction or classifieds site and send a fake bag, don't expect to notice the differences. When buying a Never full from the internet, compare the bag you will receive against the bag shown in the pictures and make sure it is the same. The dealer might even have a fake bill of sale or a Louis Sutton bag just to have you tricked into thinking it's the real deal.