Why Does He Offer Me A Jewel?

If you give your loved ones and gave a gift in the beloved half, it is not easy and absolutely pointless. The value of the contemporary is highlighted especially when jewelry is part of. Pearl necklace as a sign of love? A wristband for a permanent commitment? An engagement ring? Earrings to make you happy? What news do men want to transmit through jewelry with meaningful messages?

If you give a jewel from the better half, it is not trivial for men like women.

A problem study shows the importance of the symbolic role that gives women and male jewels.

A man offers a gem to show his love

GEM: A gift full of meaning

Jewelry is a way of showing the value of all the love you have for your feelings and other half.

According to this study, 31% of men determine that the jewels represent the announcement of love compared to 29% for women.

For many couples offering its love with a gift full of beautiful meaning, it makes it possible to express the words and feelings that are not always easy.

40% of registered men want to demonstrate intention compared to 26% for women in this asset.

Jewelry: an emotional value

For 25% of women and 20% of men, jewelry represents a symbolic loving connection. Therefore, this valuable object symbolizes a real love post.

One way to give a piece of children's initial necklace for moms, a way to fill their daily thoughts.

Give jewelry: Commitment?

What message is to forward with jewelry?

During the study studied, women and men were asked to provide words to deliver a gem. The majority of men (40%) declared that the majority of women (29%) will explain that these gestures will explain that these gestures will say that these gestures will say that these gestures will say.

Therefore the truth of the offer or offer of a jewelry offer is not trivial and it wouldn't be difficult with the meanings ... so consider carefully before presenting this gift!

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