What Results Can I Expect From Video Marketing?

Video Marketing

Are you considering incorporating video marketing into your content strategy? If so, you’re on the right track! Video content is one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience and build brand awareness. It can also serve as an excellent educational tool to help educate potential customers and boost conversions. You might be wondering what outcome you can expect when you do video marketing. Here are six things you should know;

What Do The Experts Say?

According to digital-marketing Gurus and a top corporate video production company in Bangalore, 79% of people say they’ve watched an explainer video. And 64% say they’re more likely to buy a product after watching a video. But while they might be popular with customers, some marketers have shied away from them because of high costs and low ROI. In fact, an Adobe survey found that only 17% of businesses currently use videos in their marketing efforts (with just 5% posting regularly). However, if you have a strong brand identity and an excellent story to tell, it could be worth your while to make one. Get started!

The first thing you need is clear goals for your video content—what do you want it to accomplish? Then, figure out what kind of content will help achieve those goals. For example, if you want your viewers to take action on something specific (like filling out a form), then consider making an instructional video. And, if you want your viewers to learn more about your company culture or products/services, try creating a behind-the-scenes look at your business instead.

The Most Common Benefits

In a world where customers are constantly bombarded with information, you need to stand out. So how do you do that? Through video. In an increasingly visual culture, videos give your company a human voice and present who you are and what your business does immediately and memorably. Whether it’s for promoting products or services, explaining complex concepts or simply keeping people up-to-date on what’s happening at your company, there’s no better medium for communicating your message than a well-crafted piece of moving media. More than 200 billion million hours of online video are watched every day. People like watching videos! They’re fun and engaging!

1. Quality Inbound Links

A well-placed corporate video by a leading video production company in Bangalore is going to draw in some traffic, and that’s not a bad thing. But you might be surprised by how hard it is to achieve consistent inbound links when posting videos directly to your site. In fact, you’re likely to end up with more outdated or broken links than not. The best way to add high-quality inbound links is by using platforms like YouTube or Vimeo to host your content instead of posting it on your own site.

2. Brand Exposure

The first thing you’ll notice is brand exposure. One of your goals with a corporate video should be to leave an impression on people. And that means being seen, remembered and discussed. Many people will see a professionally produced corporate video because it shows up in search engines and on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, where it will attract attention. It will also be shared through all kinds of referral traffic sources that you wouldn’t have access to otherwise – including other websites, blogs, Reddit discussions, email newsletter threads, LinkedIn groups and more. So not only are you increasing brand exposure but your company is also getting found organically by people who may never have heard of you before. That’s a big deal!

3. Increased Traffic

Video is a simple yet powerful way to tell your story, and it can have a significant impact on your website traffic. Marketers see an average click-through rate of 0.85% for videos, meaning that out of every 100 viewers, 8 will click through to another page. If you are looking to improve your online visibility, video is essential for your strategy. It’s also important to make sure that visitors actually convert once they’ve clicked through on your ad—the YouTube Advertising Policies and Guidelines guide what constitutes an ad eligible for monetization. This means you’ll only be able to collect revenue if people who see your ad take action, like signing up for a newsletter or completing a purchase.

4. Brand Awareness

Unless you’re in an industry that relies heavily on visual storytelling, chances are your potential customers aren’t going to watch every one of your videos. That’s okay! Even a single viewing is enough to create brand awareness. We work with hundreds of clients at our company, ranging from restaurants and gyms to law firms and local businesses. These companies all have different needs, but they benefit greatly from having a professional-looking video on their website. This creates trust in viewers; it helps convince people that they should choose your business over another competitor. It doesn’t take long for word-of-mouth marketing to create more leads than you could ever handle without video—even if only five per cent of viewers convert.

 5. Lead Generation

Ideally, you want to share a valuable and exciting video that compels viewers to take action, whether that’s signing up for a webinar or downloading an eBook. Of course, you need to make sure that what you’re offering is truly valuable—even if it costs money—otherwise, people will grow annoyed with your marketing messages. But once you create something worth sharing, don’t worry about how many views it gets in its first few days online. Instead, focus on growing your subscriber list, and organic views, so more people watch when you post in the future.

6. Sales Generation

Video and sales go hand in hand. According to recent research, 50% of people who watched a product demo said they were likely to buy a product. In fact, 92% of consumers say they want more videos from brands, with 56% saying that’s where they look first when researching a purchase. Given that prospects are 66% more likely to buy a product after watching an explainer video (and 83% of shoppers say explainer videos have at least some influence on their buying decisions), it’s clear why producing compelling videos is crucial to attracting new customers.


The crux of this guide is clear: video marketing today is more relevant than ever, and it provides you with a great way to visually engage your audience. Moreover, videos can help you convey ideas better than text or images alone when properly executed. So don’t be afraid to buckle down and invest in your company’s future: when you do, you will undoubtedly find that the results are well worth it.