Spiritual Laws of Success: 7 Ways to Sharpen Your Brain

Spiritual Laws of Success

Is it true that a dream can be true?

Today, success is increasing day by day. We seem to be obsessed with doing so much, that the constant busyness of life and the constant pursuit of success have almost become helpless sentences. It’s like we are doing our best to try to obtain unachievable goals and reach the so-called pinnacle of success. Is it time to discover more things based on existence?

Consciousness is a weird thing. You and I can see the same thing, but you will only see what your “internal vibration” will allow at that moment, and I will see what I allow. Another way to place it-you can see the world.

What the world generally means success?

The world generally believes that success is based on extreme actions and external results. We praise the virtues of more…more money, more time, more work, more profit…but personal success may not be the result of hard work, precise planning, or ambition, but of understanding the basic nature of our human beings and how to follow the laws of nature?

As early as 1996, Deepak Chopra wrote a best-selling book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success“, which has been reprinted countless times.

Learning and applying these rules of success will bring you back to your present consciousness, which can also bring material and financial success.

His book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” provides a life-changing perspective for the realization of success: when we understand our nature and learn to live in harmony with the laws of nature, we will have a sense of happiness, good health, and achieve good interpersonal relationships.

So, do we know what The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are and what are their specific meanings?

1. The Law of Pure Potentiality

In our basic state, we transform the programming and hypnosis of the conditional mind, pure, uninterrupted consciousness. Pure consciousness is the realm of all possibilities and unlimited creativity.

Knowing is the ability to realize any dreaming you may have. This law can also be called the law of unity because, in the infinite diversity of life, the environment around us is a unity of spirit or energy that supports it. You are not separated from the realm of consciousness.

Process of applying the law:

If you want to enjoy the benefits of the pure potential realm, then you must use it consciously. One way to access it is through the daily practice of silence, meditation, and non-judgment. The time spent in nature will also allow you to be exposed to it, which will bring about the inherent qualities of the field: creativity, freedom, and happiness.

2. The Law of Giving

This method can also be called the give and receive method.

The universe operates through dynamic exchange – giving and receiving are different aspects of the same energy flow. Nothing is static. Your body maintains a constant dynamic exchange with the “body” of the universe. Your thoughts are interacting with the big thoughts-the “thoughts” of the universe. Your energy is part of the expression of energy flowing through the universe.

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Consider this carefully. Feel while doing meditation

In our willingness to provide what we seek, we continue to spread the rich universe in our lives.

Also read Spiritual Wellness: Discover One Simple Secret for Boosting Your Soul

Process of applying the law:

For the “Giving Law” to take effect, we promise to always give gifts whenever and wherever we meet, no matter who we meet. It could be praise, flowers, or prayer. At the same time, thank you for all the gifts you have received as part of your journey. Some people are good, but the recipients are terrible that they just get rid of the gift. Why take someone else the satisfaction of giving you a gift?

Last but not least, the promise to keep wealth circulating in life by giving and receiving the most precious gifts of life: gifts of care, love, appreciation, and love.

3. The Law of ‘Karma’ (or Cause and Effect)

Every action produces a kind of energy, which is returned to us in the same way. Choosing actions that can bring happiness and success to others can ensure that happiness and success are passed on to you.

Process of applying the law:

Ask yourself two questions when choosing:

a) What are the consequences of this choice? (When you “filter” all results with your thoughts, the answer can be complicated).

b) Will the choices I make now bring happiness to me and the people around me? (Understanding of others shows that you know how this law works; the ego or the conditional mind usually knows nothing about it and doesn’t care).

Finally, ask your heart for guidance, and use its comfortable or uncomfortable information as guidance. If the choice is appropriate, you can give up. If you choose to feel uncomfortable, you must stop and use your inner vision to consider the consequences of the expected action.

4. The Law of Least Effort

Have you ever experienced what seems to be happening in a peaceful and active life, but when you feel stressed, anxious, and tired, you will crash, lose keys or forget important phone calls. When your inner peace abandons you, everything will escalate into a problem.

force of energy

Process of applying the law:

Acceptance and self-responsibility are the keys to this elegant life. Accept yourself, others, situations, and events. Be ready to take responsibility for your situation and all incidents that are considered problems, and give up the need to defend your views. By trying to become more objective and not confined to the individual, drama and karma in life can be eliminated.

5. The Law of Intention and Desire

Here, the author says that the inner essence of every intention and desire is the mechanism to realize it. The author says that you must prepare a checklist. You must read it every time you undergo silent therapy, before going to bed and when you go to sleep immediately. After you wake up, if things don’t develop the way you want, don’t feel frustrated. Instead, you should feel it. Maybe it’s because some reason doesn’t develop the way you want, so you should always trust and believe, and you should always remind yourself to practice awareness of the present in all actions, you should reject obstacles that affect yourself, you should accept the present moment, and work for the future with your most precious intentions and wishes.

6. The Law of Detachment

Of the many spiritual principles and beliefs, detachment is perhaps the most widely misunderstood. By understanding what it is not, we can more closely understand what it is. Separation is not about indifference, desirelessness, or unconcerned. It is about being honest, surrendering, and anchoring for the wisdom of life. It stems from a deep sense of security, freedom, and understanding. All people are in the order of God and firmly believe in the continuous development of goodness and things in life.


On the contrary, attachment is often based on feelings of insecurity and fear, always trying to prove who you are, and it stems from a sense of incompleteness. 

Process of applying the law:

Allow yourself and others to be your and their own identity freely. Don’t force solutions-allow solutions to emerge spontaneously.

7. The Law of ‘Dharma’ (or Purpose in Life)

In this world of billions of people, what always surprises me is the same passion and talent as human beings. Three million artists use their own unique way to express their passions. Each of us has unique talents and unique ways of expression.


It is your responsibility to find your destination.

When you follow The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, you will be overwhelmed by spiritual happiness, the ultimate goal in life of everyone.

2 thoughts on “Spiritual Laws of Success: 7 Ways to Sharpen Your Brain

  1. This post is really very impressive and it is very much helpful to fulfill our dreams.

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