Indications and techniques of therapeutic massage

The term therapeutic massage encompasses a whole series of massage techniques that are used in the treatment of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, facilitating the elimination of toxins, The term therapeutic massage encompasses a whole series of massage techniques that are used in the treatment of neuromuscular and musculoskeletal disorders, facilitating the elimination of toxins, activating blood and lymphatic circulation and improving the supply of oxygen to the tissues. They are also used to relieve stress and negative moods, as they stimulate the organic production of endorphins.

From this perspective, therapeutic  동탄 출장마사지  has different applications that include, among others:

  • All kinds of muscle ailments and injuries
  • Physical recovery processes after periods of immobilization or forced inactivity.
  • Elimination of liquid retention
  • Localized fat removal treatments
  • Improve joint pain and mobility.
  • Maintain muscle elasticity.
  • Fight nervous tension.
  • Avoid insomnia.
  • Ease the pain.
  • Reduce anxiety.
  • Accelerate tendon and ligament injuries.
  • Increase energy and vitality.
  • Promote the digestion process and prevent constipation.

Correct postural problems, etc.

The therapeutic massage is performed manually, transferring the mechanical energy from the hands of the physiotherapist to the tissues of the areas of the body that are worked on in each case.

Therapeutic massage techniques

Friction:  it is the one with which any massage session begins and ends. It consists of sliding the hand over the skin slowly and evenly to achieve tissue heating. You can also increase the pressure so that it affects deeper areas.

Friction: in this way, the superficial planes of the skin are mobilized over the muscular tissues, exerting controlled pressure on them through circular and elliptical movements. It can be used to relieve pain.

Percussion: light, rhythmic and repetitive blows are applied by hand. They are used to intensify the blood circulation of the muscles.

Hacking: it is similar to percussion, although in this case the blows are given with the edge of the hand.

Kneading: the goal is to achieve simultaneous compression of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and adjacent muscles. It consists of grasping, sliding and lifting the muscular tissues, trying to detach them and move them transversally from one side to the other, simultaneously exerting pressure and stretching with a slight twisting movement.

Compression: in this case the hands do not move, but the area being treated is compressed and pressed.

Vibration: static compression movements are performed, rhythmically varying their intensity. It stimulates blood circulation and generates a relaxing and sedative effect on the central nervous system.

The application of a  therapeutic massage  requires adequate training in handling the different techniques and a deep knowledge of anatomy and pathophysiology.

Terms of use of the service

The information provided by this means cannot, in any way, replace a direct medical care service, nor should it be used for the purpose of establishing a diagnosis, or choosing a treatment in particular cases.

In this service no recommendation, explicit or implicit, will be made about drugs, techniques, products, etc. that will be cited solely for informational purposes.

The use of this service is carried out under the exclusive responsibility of the users.

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