How to Teach Kids the Basics of Web Designing

Starting young is very critical and beneficial for web designers. Without any previous understanding or prejudices, you get to learn. To write on a blank sheet of paper could easily be compared to teaching web design to a child. Without having been interrupted by previous doodles and scribbles, one can write. Since the paper is very clean, you can read what you are writing; it has all the space in the world for your convenience. Therefore, like writing on a blank sheet of paper, it may be a very gratifying experience to teach a kid to design websites. At one point, this is a great bonding opportunity with your son, daughter, younger brother, or your toddler neighbor for our web designers out there. With one stone, you'll be able to achieve two birds. While teaching your kid a new great hobby, you can work.

Your Web Designer Toolbox -

A lot of people appear to be perplexed by the thought of children designing and coding classes. Some may be confused if, with all the complicated resources and languages out there, they can really design and code fabulous websites. Well, the thing is, this hobby is not going to go beyond a toddler's mind's scope. It's all going to train them for the big thing. It's like showing you how to use support wheels to ride a bike. This is a strong start, nevertheless.

This activity will entail necessary preparations, just like any other teaching endeavor. So, here they're -

Stoop Down -

Let's admit, at first glance, HTML, CSS, and other programming languages may be complicated. If you don't look at it, you may be able to see codes as blabber. And when teaching a kid to design websites, that's what you need to remember. For him/her, you need to make things easy. Stoop down and make him understand at his level. With them, you don't have to sound smart; you just have to sound convincing. Remember, kids won't do anything they don't understand. Use simple phrases. Try to associate the words with something in which they would be involved. For example, an image src tag can be analogized to a goal that bowman targets. Relate to their preferences, their likes, movies watched, television shows, and much more. Remember, it always sounds stupid to kids to sound intelligent to them. Be inquisitive and mischievous at their playful age.

Condition -

While teaching your child how to build web pages, the first thing you need to do is configure their minds to function. Expose them to machines, the workplace, and web sites. Whenever they are at that place, you need to make them aware of where they are and what should be done. Try to illustrate some of the graphic designs you made yourself. Let the child question, no matter how difficult it can sound. Understand, exposure contributes to knowledge, and experience contributes to excellence. Let them just be there and watch. Children are naturally curious, and they'll find answers soon enough. The next thing you'll know is that your child will be immersed in the task. 

By making them build what they want, you might begin conditioning their minds. Say they're interested in robotics, and then start by developing a mock-up associated with a robot. Tell the kid about how a part of a robot looks and works like any aspect of the design. Bring them to the workplace. They'll soon become curious about what you are doing as they visit the place often. Eventually, you're going to see them peeking at your computer and then sitting next to your lap and start asking their queries. 

Equip -

It seems implausible that someone will learn web design if he/she doesn’t have any computer. In reality, it would be comical for a web designer to learn more from books than to sit for hours in front of the computer. Web design includes instruments, much like any other hobby. The same will be important for your children. You have to equip them with requisite gadgets or platforms to begin learning when web designers start. Buy a computer. Download some simple games with programming. Make it fun so that the work can be more fun when it comes time for the kid to roll.

Here are some tools and games and could use:

  • Scratch
  • Stencyl

Here are some tips:

  • Explain what relations, messages, pictures, and other components are. Be sure to distinguish between each of them.
  • Explain what CSS and HTML do.
  • Orient them (HTML and CSS) with the basic language of the two platforms.
  • With different editors such as GIMP, Paint, Photoshop (this is very advanced) and others, orient them. Let them start with their youthful thinking caps.

Web designing is a great hobby. It's a hobby where some money can be earned. You are now simply teaching your child how to design websites with you, thereby introducing them to the kind of work they may want to do someday. Since he is so familiar with the profession, it gives them the edge over others. Therefore, as a designer, you not only secure a job, but you also develop a bond with your child and prepare him for a career path. And besides, with your kids, you have nothing to lose. It's all a benefit.

Do you want to shape your kid’s future? If yes, then you can enroll your kid with the Edurific online classes for kids. It offers live 1:1 Interactive Teaching to increase your child's grasping power. It also offers robotics classes for kids.

Also read How to Design the Website for E-Commerce Website Introduction

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