Escape Rooms: Using Escape Games to Strengthen Your Remote Team

Are you worried about how you will handle and brace your team for a better and long-lasting performance? Don't worry; escape rooms got you covered.

The popularity of escape rooms has evolved from being a fad in recreational games to a resource for team development and hiring. It's simple to understand why, given that the activity includes all the essential components, such as problem-solving, time management, collaboration, and overcoming formidable obstacles. All the qualities required to improve your organization's overall connection strength.

Apart from that, Escape rooms are an eternal hype to everything your team members would need. If you are looking for the best solutions for team strengthening, Breakout® Escape rooms render the best escape service for a team outing in Bangalore.

escape rooms

How Are Escape Room Games Right for Your Team's Development?

The escape room gaming concept is ideal for everyone to understand one another if you're all participating and are in new teams. But on the other hand, if you're already all working as a team, the game can be just as beneficial for enabling its participants to "blow off steam" after a particularly demanding period of work or as a way to celebrate a job well done. The gameplay itself aids in developing a variety of crucial abilities. And if any complex or essential projects are coming up, the game might serve as a form of "practice session."

Times When Escape Rooms Might not be Helpful

You're undoubtedly anticipating the backlash against escape room activities, given all the positive press they've received. Sometimes, an escape room won't be of any assistance and might worsen a volatile situation. Don't think of escape room games as being able to resolve any kind of serious issue amongst team members in your workplace. Even when played over Zoom, a small space's strain and anxiety condition may make things even harsher.

Be cautious of every team participant as a distinct entity. Do you believe they will gain something from the escape room encounter, or do you think they will experience anxiety, embarrassment, or alienation? How effectively do you believe they'll handle stress to think fast in a team environment? Are they the kind who will gladly cooperate to advance the game?

How are Escape Rooms Worthy of Indulging into Toughen Your Team?

Though escape rooms might have a few limitations, as discussed above, they certainly are not the case to not go with them! Depending on your team's physical and mental perceptional situation, that was just a possibility worth mentioning.

Examine the ways and reasons listed in this blog below to understand how escape games would strengthen your team ultimately.

1. Is an Affordable Team Strengthening 

For weekend-long teamwork, renting a location, offering accommodation, and supplying food are very expensive. However, escape rooms are much less costly and take much less time. The crew will spend approximately an hour escaping, so there is no need to make hotel reservations or anything else. Organizing an escape chamber squad activity is a low-cost approach to pulling your workforce together.

2. Enables both Virtual & In-Person Experience

Performing in person is preferable if you desire a practical learning interaction with no interruptions. However, if your team members come from various cities or nations, hosting an enjoyable virtual gathering would be preferable in the convenience of everyone's homes. Therefore, why not attempt the very unique virtual escape room Remote Adventures when you're one of those who find the distance to be a challenge?

Up to 8 individuals can participate in one game of Virtual Expeditions. If your crew has 30 individuals, you can split them into four subgroups of 8 and 7 persons each. The package has an immersive interface and a Game Manual for the players' convenience.

A new problem exists when performing escape room team-building exercises digitally instead of doing so in a physical location. Participants are driven to give their best to collaborate with their teammates more successfully because interaction hurdles may be more difficult to surmount.

3. Reveals Strengths & Weaknesses

Playing escape room puzzles requires players to rise to the occasion. The person you thought would win the game can solve the puzzles or decipher the hints. Or perhaps the one you predicted wouldn't perform, and the others end up as the thing that translates the most challenging puzzles—having escape rooms as the primary team-building intervention is brimming with unexpected events that expose a player's concealed oddities.

4. Builds Compact Interaction

If your team isn't used to chatting or debating ideas and strategies too frequently, you might want to promote team building. In team-building activities using escape rooms, the players are compelled to communicate because their opinions might contain the key to opening the doorway that will allow them to leave the room. No matter how absurd or odd the idea, it is amusing. This consequently eliminates any reluctance one might have when expressing opinions.

5. Structures Time Management

Thinking of time, participants often have little more than an hour to figure out the challenges and leave the chamber effectively. Participants are driven to complete the game before time passes out because of the time limit, forcing them to use their time wisely. They must swiftly decipher the jumble of hints they find strewn about the room, so they can't spare a few minutes to stand about. It typically cuts a lot of time for participants to find clues on their own, then discuss what they've learned with the others.

6. Challenges Creative Thinking

The challenges players will face in escape room games are very different from their typical tasks. Although the area may have an office motif, the participants must use their creativity to solve cryptic puzzles rather than deal with customers and paperwork. Because they have learned it or stick to a process, the players may be accustomed to completing tasks quickly in an office situation. Therefore, if the team is accustomed to things being done a specific way, this is an excellent technique to get people to think creatively, see things from new angles, and employ fresh approaches to problem-solving.

7. Acquaints With Different Themes

Pick appropriate game themes for every team. Perhaps you are aware of a group's shared passion. For example, they all may have power in space exploration. In that scenario, to make the encounter more enjoyable, you can choose a space-themed escape chamber for them. You must also consider the player skill set you wish to develop or reveal. For illustration, you could reserve the groupmates a room with a mystique theme if you want the folks to pay close regard to every aspect. You may also just choose irregularly and let fate take its course!

8. Enhances Leadership Qualities

A crew requires a leader who can assign jobs or divide them into sets so they can swiftly resolve challenges and explore a more significant portion of the room. The objective is to search further and very quickly for facts. One would sense the urge to rise and take command since not all teams are well-oiled bots. This action will identify the team member who possesses leadership qualities that can be applied even in a professional situation. A good leader knows how to motivate the team and also help the team when they are in any problems. Escape rooms definitely help in creating a good leader.

9. Fosters Critical Thinking

The challenges players will face in escape room games are very different from their typical tasks. Although the area may have an office motif, the participants must use their creativity to solve cryptic puzzles rather than deal with customers and paperwork. Critical thinking and problem-solving are one of the most important aspects of a person's life.

Because they have learned it or stick to a process, the players may be accustomed to completing tasks quickly in an office situation. Therefore, if the team is accustomed to things being done a specific way, this is an excellent technique to get people to think creatively, see things from new angles, and employ fresh approaches to problem-solving.

10. Enlightens Camaraderie Spirit 

Let's confront it: No breakout room, real or virtual, can be completed by one individual working solitary. The value of working together is crucial. Each person has a responsibility. Individuals who struggle to follow the games can support their team and occasionally try to assist by gathering hints. Everyone is included. They all gave their best effort as a team, win or lose. They'll discover themselves relishing in the collaborative atmosphere for the day.

Wrapping Up

Escape room games may do a lot for the growth of your team as a whole. Such team fueling will undoubtedly be successful in an escape room, whether it is footing skill improvement, character development, or boosting business morale. By holding a competition to see which team can escape from each area quickly, you can further increase each team's drive to win. There are countless ways to have fun and develop an engaging escape room team bolstering task.

Author Bio:  Aniya more is one of the brightest content writer at Breakout escape room. She is a passionate writer who loves to read books and explore different escape rooms. With a great work ethic, she spends most of her time researching and reading. When she is not working, she likes to relax with a cup of coffee and enjoy watching her favorite tv show or walking her dog peanut. You can find her on LinkedIn.

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2 thoughts on “Escape Rooms: Using Escape Games to Strengthen Your Remote Team”

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