Engage Local B2B Buyers Using Digital Marketing Strategies

For manufacturers and distributors confined to a city, liaising with local buyers in that particular area can be very lucrative. Forming long-term collaborations to regularly supply products/services in your vicinity is very profitable, given the elimination of long-distance delivery logistics. Gone are those days when you had to undertake a physical survey of your city in the quest for suitable buyers. In today’s highly digitized times, you can engage local B2B buyers and strike business partnerships online. B2B Digital Marketing Strategies can immensely help your business in reaching out to prospective buyers  6 Simple Ways to Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation and Increase Sales! showcasing your expertise and offerings.

Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore

B2B Digital Marketing is a very specialized realm. As per the digital marketing agency in Bangalore, B2B digital marketing aims at forming stable business relationships based on logistical and financial initiatives. While B2C marketing focuses on presenting products/services to induce instant/impulse purchases and immediate gratification, B2B marketing is centred on highlighting the expertise and efficiency of your business. If your online presence displays the required industry/niche authority and competence, local buyers will deem it profitable to liaise with you. If you are Chennai-based supplier, the best way to attract the attention of local buyers online is by outsourcing your B2B digital marketing requirements to a digital marketing agency in Chennai. Here are some best-vote B2B digital marketing strategies to engage local buyers:-

  1. Enhance your Local Search Visibility with Strategic Keywords Research

Once you have a well-defined target audience, you should work on strengthening your search visibility for local search keywords. Ideally, you should rely on a professional SEO team for keywords research. Given the cut-throat competition, using generic keywords will not help you attain higher rakings. Strategic local keywords research involves studying the search behaviour of your target audience carefully. Thereon, a list of industry-specific and niche-specific long-tailed keywords is compiled, also keeping the geographical zone (city/town/locality) in context.

  1. Add an embedded Google Maps Location on your website

Ever since the advent of the Google Map Pack that highlights the top 3 prominent businesses as part of search results, local businesses are becoming increasingly competitive to bag the much-coveted top spot. One important tip to improve your chances of getting featured in the map pack is by having your exact Google Maps location embedded on your website. You can choose to place it conventionally in the ‘Contact Us’ section of your website or at the bottom section of your home page. For businesses with multiple branches in one city or across multiple cities, a popular trend nowadays is to have the map placed in the localized landing page for the particular product/service, city or locality.

  1. Build an outstanding business profile on Google My Business Page

A unanimous suggestion from any top-notch digital marketing agency in Bangalore or digital marketing agency in Chennai would be to pay extra attention to your Google My Business Page. From the meticulous accuracy of details such as your business name, address and phone number, to posting local-keywords optimized content for your products or services, portraying a high level of efficiency and expertise in your GMB page is a must as part of B2B digital marketing practices for

local businesses. Request your existing clients to post positive reviews, and also post relevant, high quality images of your establishment and offerings. To stand apart from your competitors, you can even mention about the financial incentives/perks that you are offering for business collaborations with prospective buyers, and how they stand to gain by purchasing from you.

  1. Focus on Industry-Specific Review Sites and Directories

There are many important reviews platforms and local directories that are relevant to your particular industry. Based on your unique selling points as a B2B business, getting cited here can really strengthen your online credibility. For example, IndiaMart, Paytm Mall, and Udaan are three prominent online marketplaces particularly meant for online trading, online B2B marketing, and connecting potential buyers with manufacturers or suppliers. If you are not sure about how and where to get cited, getting help from a professional digital marketing team is highly recommended.

  1. Social Media Tabs

Make sure that the social media tabs on your website are functional. Also, your business details posted social media platforms should be match word-to-word with the details on Google My Business Page and local directory citations. Spelling mistakes, inconsistent, incomplete or incorrect business information can be really detrimental to your online business image. Also it is advisable that you discerningly choose the social media platforms for your business to be active on. For instance, if you are in the Education Sector, having a prolific LinkedIn presence is important.


If harnessed properly, B2B digital marketing can provide a treasure trove of lucrative prospects for your business. While email marketing has been a preferred mode of online marketing for traditional B2B businesses over the years, it is high times for local businesses to cash in on the multiple benefits of B2B digital marketing and local SEO strategies to strike profitable business deals.

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