How To Build TikTok Giveaways For Your Brand Growth?


In the narrative of social media platforms, TikTok can be considered one of the mighty platforms that has more than one billion active monthly users. For brands who are keen on leveraging this growth, no better platform than TikTok would allow brand interactions with numerous and interactive audiences.

Another way to increase attention is to promote your profile page in which there are links to your videos and use the call to action and promotions like giveaways. These contests not only encourage the users to participate but also help build up a culture of excitement around the product/service offering the brand. This way you can attract more followers and get more exposure to your brand by having exciting offers and posting interesting content.

In this article, we will explore the inside information on the best practices for building great TikTok giveaways. Whether you’re just starting with your giveaway and need help with defining goals, selecting a prize, or creating a simple yet effective strategy, or you want to create compelling content for your giveaway or know how to promote it, we’re here to help. Finally, I will make sure that you are armed with enough knowledge on how to venture with the TikTok giveaway to achieve the intended goal of brand promotion and marketing.

Why TikTok Giveaways Matter

It has also become clear that using giveaways in marketing on TikTok is very advantageous for the brand. Here are some key advantages:

  • Increased Engagement: Account giveaways also help dictate engagements with your content, leading to your post's viral nature. When it comes to recent studies, the average engagement rate which was noticed in TikTok was 17% only.  it is approximately to be 5% which is comparatively higher than the figure observed in other social media sites.
  • Follower Growth: The other way how an appealing prize can work is by drawing new followers who are likely to be interested in your brand and products.
  • Brand Awareness: They also have a way of enlarging the brand's exposure as people share the content with others, it goes viral.
  • Community Building: Participation in the giveaway process is a good way of nurturing a loyal group of followers for your brand.

An insightful perspective on the importance of giveaways comes from Jane Doe, a social media marketing expert:

Setting Clear Goals for Your Giveaway

As mentioned earlier, some general rules have to be followed to achieve the highest results in any TikTok giveaway, and one of them is setting objectives.: Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you define your objectives:

1. Define Specific Goals

  • Increase Followers: Try to increase the number of your followers by a particular percentage during the giveaway, for instance, 20%.
  • Boost Engagement: Choose the specific number of likes, comments, and shares that your giveaway post should receive and collect feedback from the audience.
  • Generate Leads: Ensure the gathering of a specific number of email addresses otherwise other contact information from the giveaway entry method.

2. Align with Marketing Objectives

Make sure that the kind of giveaway that you are planning to launch is aligned with your general marketing goals. For example, if your goal for example is to make the audience recognize your brand more, then your giveaway should be tailored toward targeting more people. If your objective is to generate leads, then make the giveaway designed in a way that the customers fill in the necessary details.

Choosing the Right Prize

Indeed, the selection of the most appropriate prize should be a crucial step to evaluate when thinking of the TikTok giveaway process. Some tips to help you in choosing a prize that resonates with your target audience:

1. Understand Your Audience

  • Identify Interests: Know what people would like to be given and what would be appealing to them. For instance, readers who are interested in technology will like gizmos while those who enjoy beauty products will love makeup accessories.
  • Align with Your Brand: It is crucial to choose a prize that will match your brand and/or product to maintain relevance and conform to the competition’s objectives.
  • Offer Value: Ensure that the prize is big and that people would like to participate but at the same time, it stands reasonable to your business.

2. Popular Prize Examples

  • Tech Gadgets: Smartphones, headphones, or smartwatches remain the most used portable devices by people.
  • Gift Cards: U.S. dollars, Amazon or Starbucks, or specific brands’ gift cards.
  • Exclusive Products: Limited edition items or early access to new products.

Case Study: Successful Prize Selection

Let's look at an example of the Brand XYZ which had a TikTok promotion where they were giving out a limited edition sneaker. This prize was liked by their youthful audience with a passion for fashion, therefore gaining 30% of followers, and increased engagement on posts.

Crafting Engaging Giveaway Content

The essence of your TikTok giveaway largely depends on the kind of content you produce. Here are the key elements that make TikTok videos compelling:

Elements of Compelling TikTok Videos

  • Storytelling: Shell one suitable story that will make your audience fully involved. This could inculcate sharing of a life episode, or showing your audience how your product will help them.
  • Visuals: Try to use high-quality pictures that are bright and active to attract the viewers’ attention. Add text juxtaposition, movement, and additional effects to make the displayed pictures more interesting.
  • Calls-to-Action (CTAs): Make it visibly clear to your audience what they should do to be able to enter the sweepstakes. They should use phrases such as; follow us, like this video, and tag a friend, to create engagement.

Promoting Your Giveaway

Promotion is a very important factor when it comes to TikTok giveaways. Certainly! Here are some effective strategies to spread the word:

Strategies for Promoting the Giveaway

  • Leverage Influencers: This is why it is recommended to work with influencers that are compatible with your brand. They can help repeat your message to a larger audience and also lend more weight to your giveaway.
  • Use Hashtags: Picking an amazing hashtag to use in the giveaway needs to be fun but simple at the same time. This could make a participant use the hashtag so that it can help in being noticed and even help in counting entries.
  • Cross-Promote on Other Platforms: Share the TikTok giveaway on other platforms that you use actively, namely, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. That way, you can reach out to your followers and/or get more people to participate in your Twitter contest.

Checklist for Effective Promotional Tactics

  • Continue to tease your audience with animated videos towards the giveaway campaign.
  • Create compelling content to get TikTok views on the videos you post and the target customers also feel compelled to share with the others.
  • Another way of increasing the reach of the giveaway is to ask the participants to share it with their friends.
  • The last way is to pay for advertising in order to ensure that it reaches the right population.
  • Use comments and questions to increase the level of interest.

Engaging with Participants

Keeping the spirit high or running high during the giveaway period is also very important. Here are some ways to engage with your audience:

  • Reply to Comments: Acknowledge the contribution participants have made towards the post by responding to the comments and questions made.
  • Share User-Generated Content: Try to get rid of participants from creating content to be related to your giveaway and posted in your profile. It also leads to the creation of a social feel to whatever you are promoting including the giveaway.
  • Provide Updates: Tease your audience about the giveaway often. Post earthly feat such as the number of entries or share some creative image entries as those participating in the contest.

These steps will help you to promote the TikTok giveaway well and make sure that a lot of people will know about it: Mail at least one influencer who has many followers and ask him or her to participate in your giveaway; Use hashtags that are associated with vacation and travel; Communicate with participants.

Analyzing The Results

After performing the TikTok giveaway, what you should do is analyze the results of the giveaway so that you will know the efficacy of the giveaway and for the preparation for the succeeding giveaway.

Tracking Performance with Analytics Tools

For information concerning the efficacy of the giveaway on TikTok, you should make use of the app’s integrated features in data tracking. Key metrics to monitor include: 

  • Views: How often do the viewers go to the giveaway video?
  • Likes and Comments: Reviews of the users’ engagement level or the degree of interaction of the audience with the content.
  • Shares: The extent of the engagement that the users had with your giveaway video, which to some extent explained its viral reach.
  • Follower Growth: The number of followers to the account before, during, and after the period that the giveaway was on.

Interpreting Data and Making Adjustments

Once you have the data, it's time to interpret it:

After analyzing the engagement metrics, see whether the goals were achieved in order to understand the context better.

The promo proved to be effective as a marketing tool, now, determining what part of the giveaway was successful and what aspect of the campaign should be revised.

It is also useful to collect qualitative findings based on comments or messages of the participants of the session.

As much as possible, avoid common mistakes in the next giveaway you are going to organize or sponsor. For instance, if you notice that you have a high engagement and yet few likes result in new followers, it is high time you got better call-to-action or choose better prizes.

Therefore, you can know whether the TikTok giveaway is successful or not and make the necessary changes for improvement In the future.

Some Mistakes to Avoid

TikTok giveaways can be profitable, but if some basic missteps are made, they can be annoying. Here are some common pitfalls to be aware of and helpful tips on how to avoid them.:

Common Pitfalls

  • Unclear Rules: Lack of clear instructions can mislead the participants and hence minimize their participation level. Make the rules of the giveaway simple and as easy as possible for any participants to understand.
  • Lack of Promotion: The fact is that posting a giveaway video will not do the job in question. You require a sound publicity plan to get to a large number of people.
  • Irrelevant Prizes: Incentives that are not relevant to a given audience will put off the audience hence little participation. Ensure that you choose your prizes appropriately so that they relate to your brand and that of your fans.
  • Ignoring Analytics: Overall, not tracking = performance metrics implies that one will never be in a position to find out the areas that need improvement in the successive giveaways.

Solutions and Tips

Here are some strategies to avoid these common mistakes:

  • Define Clear Rules: When it’s needed, offer specific instructions both in the video description and if you have a separate webpage for the video. Make it easy for the participants so that they use visuals as well as step-by-step guides.
  • Promote Extensively: Use several social media sites to hit the right audience and publicize your giveaway. Tag the influencer, use the right hashtags, and share the post on your other social media profiles.
  • Select Relevant Prizes: Make an audience analysis so that you know which of the supposed followers values what. Some of the tangible incentives are branded consumables, vouchers for iconic moments, or products that are trendy in your area of business.
  • Utilize Analytics: You should analyze your views, engagements, and followers’ statistics every day on TikTok. You can use the following data to set directions for the subsequent giveaways that you intend to host.


In summary, building successful TikTok giveaways requires a strategic approach focused on clear goal-setting, selecting the right prizes, crafting engaging content, and promoting effectively. By avoiding common pitfalls and leveraging analytics, you can significantly boost your brand's engagement, follower growth, and overall visibility on TikTok.

We encourage you to implement these expert tips and share your results. Remember, the key to a successful giveaway lies in understanding your audience and continually refining your strategy based on performance data.

Author Bio 

Andrea Ember is a passionate social media writer working at Bouxtie. She has strong strategy skills in developing and managing social media campaigns. She loves to make new connections and enjoys the opportunity to work with social media influencers.


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