Advertising on Social Networks, Promote Your Business!

Getting your business visible and customers arriving and converting is not an easy task. The SEO positioning of your website will be an important element to take into account to be at the top of everything in search engines like Google. But it won't be enough, and this is where social media advertising comes in. You will have to dig a little in your pocket to create attractive advertising campaigns, but the investment will be worth it when you see the results.

That is why in today's blog we will tell you different ways to advertise on different platforms, whether they are networks or directly on Google. If you are a community manager, take good note of some of the ways to do advertising campaigns. 

Advertising on social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Facebook Ads

Facebook is the social network par excellence, and, therefore, one of the best places to advertise. One of the best options that Facebook offers you is the possibility of segmenting your audience so that the campaign reaches exactly who you want it to reach. You can select very specific characteristics such as age, sex, or education, and specify specific interests and behaviors. In this way, you can define a target audience according to your needs.

Another thing that you can control in Facebook campaigns is whether it is aimed at fans of your page or people who have visited it but are not yet a fan, or simply people who do not know you but who will surely be interested in doing so. The range of combinations is very wide, and if you know how to properly calibrate it and interpret the results, the benefits will come. One tip, try putting videos in your advertising campaigns, they give more good results than static images.

Twitter advertising

Advertising on Twitter is not yet as powerful as on Facebook, but it is beginning to emerge and we must take it into account. Twitter has its own segmentation system, which we can combine with Facebook. On the one hand, you can segment by users and in this way reach the followers of your competition so that they start following you too. And on the other, there is the option to segment by television. This social network is very successful in commenting on television programs at the moment with the corresponding hashtag, and we can benefit from it to reach people who tweet live.

To create ads on Twitter there are Twitter Cards, which will stand out from the rest of the tweets. You can add text, image, and call to action to Video Animation Maker and make it an attractive and effective campaign.

Instagram advertising

Advertising on social networks has also reached Instagram since it is part of the giant Facebook. To do it you will have to have your Instagram account necessarily linked to Facebook. If your target audience is on this social network, take advantage now that advertising on Instagram is a novelty. The competition with other brands is lower than in other social networks, so it's time to campaign here to highlight and reach your fans and those who are not. Squeeze all your creativity into the quintessential image social network and surprise your followers with great ads. 

Advertising on LinkedIn

It is clear that LinkedIn is essentially very different from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but in advertising, on social networks, we cannot forget about it. Being a network focused on the world of work, advertising is also designed for this and the cost per click is quite expensive. But even so, the campaign can be very profitable if you focus it well. The campaigns on this social network can be personalized with images and your sales pitch, and you can also promote the content that your company has published, such as articles and tips.

If your goal is not an end customer but a company, this is your social network to promote your advertising campaigns.   

Also, read Performance Management and Its Upcoming Challenges in 2020

Other means for your advertising campaigns

Google Ads

The omnipotent Google is the first site where users search for what they want to find, therefore being present and well-visible will be essential. With Google AdWords, you can create your ads with a title, a couple of descriptive lines of your business, and a visible URL. Try to be clear and concise with your text so that everyone knows what you are advertising. And choose the keywords well to get more or less relevance in Google positions.

With Google ads, you will get web traffic and conversions because they are directly directed to users who are specifically looking for your product.

Shopping campaigns

Google also allows us to make campaigns a little more colorful than share space with the AdWords that we have discussed. In these ads, you can put images, descriptions, and prices of the product, and they are very useful for online and offline stores. The format is very visual, in the form of a tab that appears on the right side of Google searches, so they are easily locatable. With these ads, you will achieve brand goals and also conversions.

Video for campaigns

If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much will a bunch of pictures be worth? Video is the trend for advertising on social networks because it is more immersive and intense than a static image. You can create videos for your Facebook or Instagram campaigns, but the best platform for this type of advertising is YouTube. They will be very cheap with CPV bids (cost per display), and Google AdWords offers you all the tools to create them. Whether you are a community manager or not, try advertising with videos, you will attract twice the number of users than with static image campaigns. We guarantee it.

Mobile advertising

We all have a cell phone, and most of us live hooked on it. So, won't mobile be the best platform to advertise? Mobile ads are increasingly relevant because they are the way to reach potential customers anytime, anywhere. Google AdWords will allow you to create campaigns aimed at smartphones, and you can even choose if you want it to be only for iPhone or for Android. The contents will have to be responsive the message short and direct, and using the call to action. User behavior on the mobile phone is different than on the computer, take this into account when thinking about your advertising campaign.

Collaborative advertising

It is a modality that is becoming increasingly popular in advertising on social networks. To carry out campaigns of this type, you first have to find bloggers, YouTubers, and influencers from the same sector. Then you will have to reach an agreement with them, be it economic, a discount, and try the product for free, so they can talk about your brand in a post or video. Everything will depend on the interests of both parties. It is a type of advertising that can have a great impact if you choose well who is going to do your campaign.

As you can see, there are multiple options to choose what type of advertising campaign you want to do based on your interests and the investment you want to make. Investing a lot is not always synonymous with success. You will get the benefits of a good approach to the campaign and proper segmentation. If you want to advertise on social networks or on any other platform, you can contact us for advice, guidance and we will even do it for you.

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