7 Facts About Writing Help Your Teachers Wouldn't Tell You

Only some people are born with the ability to write a beautiful essay, but with that in mind, there are ways to develop the skills you need to become a proficient writer. With a little practice and attention to detail, anyone can write interesting and impressive writing in English.

It takes a certain skill to write a good, readable essay. However, this only comes naturally to some. That said, there are a few ways to learn how to write well, and using a few handy tricks for writing help can endlessly improve your writing skills.

This article will examine what you can do to improve your writing skills and produce more detailed, clear, and interesting writing.

What are writing skills?

When we talk about writing skills, we mean your ability to provide readers with all the relevant information they need in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner.

A person with good writing skills can easily convey their message in a grammatically correct, interesting essay that engages the reader and makes them want to read more.

1. Write only what you are interested in 

If you want your readers to read your writings with interest, you should take an interest in them first. If you are passionate about anything, it will be reflected in your writing a d make it more engaging and interesting. Moreover, if you write about anything you are passionate about, you will write it enthusiastically and use infectious vocabulary, making your writing more lively. Another benefit of writing about something you are interested in is that you have a lot of knowledge about it, and you can create an argument on logical bases. But if you are forced to write on a topic in which you have zero interest, you will fail to produce a good piece of writing. It is hard for people to write passionately about anything which they do not like and end up stressed and frustrated. But sometimes there is a compulsion for us to write on a topic we don't enjoy much, in that case, you need to follow our tips to write.

Following are the tips for writing on the topics you don't feel passionate about and don't enjoy writing about:

  • Convince yourself :

You need to make up your mind and adjust your thoughts. First of all, feel that a topic is exciting. Make the negative thoughts about that topic positive and try to build your interest in that topic. Gather some interesting information about it and see what you can write. 

  • Keep your reader in your mind :

Have mercy on your readers. The topic that you find boring may not be boring for him. Write each sentence by keeping the reader in your mind and keep on writing that will fascinate your reader's senses and make him in love with the author. 

2. Use Figurative Devices 

It is challenging to make someone understand a concept you need help understanding. When you fully understand a concept, you can make others understand that by using many figurative devices and giving examples. So if you clearly understand a concept, you need to do your writing as they contain many underlying meanings and make them more engaging. This way, your writings have more explanation about a concept, and the reader will get the point after reading it. To make any text more engaging and clear, you must always use figurative language. For example, you can use the analogy of a deep ocean for a wise person. It is deep and silent on the surface. So silence is considered a symbol of wisdom. Like the deep oceans, a wise man has too much below its surface, which is calm and silent. This way, the writer provides the reader with visuals to clearly understand the concept. You can use figurative devices only if you have a strong grasp of your topic and are clear about it. 

3. Don't Use Cliches

Before starting the guidelines regarding clichés, first, understand the meanings of cliché. It is the overuse of a word or a phrase. By the use of cliches, your essay becomes less interesting and boring. 

For example, use phrases like" Behind the scenes" or "at the end of the day. "Using such phrases will blend your essay with others and give tired expressions to your reader. You are familiar with the cliches your peers can use, so you should avoid those in your writing. 

4. Imitate the style of your favorite writers

If you have read many books, articles, and essays, you have a good experience with different writing styles. Some styles are compact and complex others are so simple. So you have to copy the style of your favorite writer. The one whose writing style is appealing to you. For example, the writing style of Francis Bacon is the best one as it is too compact and to the point. He does not beat about the bush and keeps his essays simple and understandable.

Moreover, his writings are based merely on facts and are related to philosophy and religion as well. So when you intend to emulate someone's style, read their work thoroughly and find out what the writers do to hold your interest. Which type of vocabulary and sentence structures is he using? Copy or underline phrases that will grab your reader's attention and use them in your writing. 

5. Avoid writing in the passive voice 

Any text written in an active voice is always neater and more enjoyable to read. Students think that if they use passive voice more in their essays or articles, it will sound more academic and intellectual, but actually, by doing so, they make their articles boring. The text written in active voice seems energetic, and the phrasing is also very neat, so the reader enjoys that writing. 

In any essay, if you are writing about something happening in the present or someone is working on a project, you should use an active voice to give a fresh impression on the reader's mind. 

Active voice and passive voice 

The main difference between the two voices is that when we are writing in active voice, the work is done on the object, for example, "The prime minister of the nation addressed a big crowd today at___Park ."But in the case of passive voice, action is being done on the subject and not the object, for example: "The prime Minister at ______park was addressing a big crowd."

You should always use an active voice in your writing as it makes your writing more interesting and elegant. Readers will feel "in the moment" by reading any such writing.

6. Use some creative techniques

If you are addressing a group of people, techniques like "story telling" might work and grab your audience's attention. It might take 2-3 minutes to make the crowd laugh and engage with you, but it works differently in writing. When writing something down, you need to be more factual and concise. Your writing should be balanced and should be exciting, and engaging. At first glance, if you see a story, it may give a poor impression of the writing, and the reader will lose interest in the beginning. So despite the "story telling" technique, use other strategies to grab your reader's attention. The first paragraph of your writing will decide whether it should be read further. So to make your first paragraph more appealing to your reader, you better go with a "hook" to seek your reader's interest and engage them in your writing. This hook can be a rhetorical question or any controversial statement that will grab your reader's attention and will make them ask for more. 

You might be wondering about rhetorical questions. They are the questions that should be asked to get answers. Rather they are asked for the sake of asking only. Many writers use these questions to create a dramatic effect in their writing. Rhetorical questions are better used at the end of any paragraph, too. Start a new argument or prove any older one. For example, at the end of a paragraph, you can ask the reader, "Is there any evidence to support XYZ?". This question is raised by the reader and will be answered by the reader, perhaps in the next paragraph. 

7. Proofreading 

The most important task in writing an essay is proofreading. What if you have researched a lot and created strong evidence for it but need help to satisfy your reader? Your minor mistakes may not be important to you, but they can annoy a reader and distract them from the text. Before submitting your essay, ensure you have used the best vocabulary and correct punctuation and spelling. Furthermore, check its grammar, and it should be elegant. It's better to proof d your articles by yourself and not check them in a Grammar checking tool. 

In conclusion

You can make your writing sound clear, concise, and interesting if you have good writing skills. Even if your writing skills aren't great right now contact essay writer or there's no need to worry because by following these helpful tips, you'll be able to improve your writing skills and learn more about what it takes to produce a great piece of writing.

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